Phosphoric Acid


Phosphoric Acid

CAS No:7664-38-2
Qty in 20′ FCL:25.83MT

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Xanthan Gum suppliers

Xanthan Gum suppliers

Specifications Phosphoric Acid Industrial Grade Phosphoric Acid Food Grade
Appearance Colorless, transparent syrupy liquid or in very light color
Colour =< 30 20
Assay (as H3PO4 )% >=</td> 85.0 85.0
Chloride(as Cl- )% =< 0.0005 0.0005
Sulphats(asSO42- )% =< 0.005 0.003
Iron (Fe)% =< 0.002 0.001
Arsenic (As)% =< 0.005 0.0001
Heavy metals,as Pb% =< 0.001 0.001
Oxidable matter (asH3PO4)% =< 0.012 no
Fluoride,as F% =< 0.001 no
Specifications Phosphoric Acid Industrial Grade Phosphoric Acid Food Grade
Appearance Colorless, transparent syrupy liquid or in very light color
Colour =< 30 20
Assay (as H3PO4 )% >=</td> 85.0 85.0
Chloride(as Cl- )% =< 0.0005 0.0005
Sulphats(asSO42- )% =< 0.005 0.003
Iron (Fe)% =< 0.002 0.001
Arsenic (As)% =< 0.005 0.0001
Heavy metals,as Pb% =< 0.001 0.001
Oxidable matter (asH3PO4)% =< 0.012 no
Fluoride,as F% =< 0.001 no